500 N. Broadway, Ste 1605, St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 276-1681 Prices Vary Personal Injury Lawyer in St. Louis - 4.9 stars - based on 49 reviews
Cagle Law Firm

St. Louis Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in an accident involving a motor vehicle other than a personal car or truck, The Cagle Law Firm, should be your next call.

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If you were in an accident with another type of vehicle, such as a boat, airplane, bus, or motorcycle, then you face a different claim process and legal process. You need a lawyer experienced in handling a wide variety of motor vehicle accidents as they will be familiar with the federal and state regulations regarding these vehicles as well as the unique issues you may have to deal with. At The Cagle Law Firm, our St. Louis motor vehicle accident lawyers know what you’re facing and what it will take to secure compensation.

To discuss your right to recover financial compensation and your legal options with a highly-skilled St. Louis personal injury lawyer after being injured or losing a loved one in a motor vehicle accident, call us at (314) 276-1681 or contact us online. We offer free consultations, giving you a risk-free opportunity to discuss your case.

Why You Need an Auto Accident Law Firm

When you are in an accident involving a motor vehicle other than a personal car, truck, van, or SUV, then you face a potentially difficult claim. Different types of vehicles like small aircraft, sea vessels and smaller boats, motorcycles, and all sorts of buses, must adhere to a variety of federal and state regulations. Operators typically need specialized training and a specific license. They may have hours of service limitations dictating how much they can drive in one period. Additionally, the cause of a crash involving one of these vehicles could be harder to detect than in a car crash. The party liable for what went wrong may not be as obvious as it may be in a car accident since a manufacturer or maintenance provider that you have never heard of could be liable.

Given the complexities of any motor vehicle accident, you will benefit from skilled legal counsel by your side. Issues could arise during an insurance claim or lawsuit, and while you are unsure of how to handle these issues, the insurer’s legal team will be well-aware of how to use their experience and knowledge to take advantage of you. Hiring a St. Louis motor vehicle accident lawyer from The Cagle Law Firm puts you on even ground with the insurer, ensuring you avoid an unfair outcome to your case.

Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents

At The Cagle Law Firm, our attorneys are experienced in handling all types of Missouri motor vehicle accidents, including:

If you are injured in any motor vehicle accident, whether it seems like a straightforward car crash or a confusing commercial trucking accident, do not hesitate to seek out legal advice. The fees or the prospect of creating a contentious situation may make you reluctant to call a lawyer. However, you are already part of an adversarial process. A lawyer will protect you against an insurer and any other parties whose priorities are themselves, not you. Additionally, having an accident attorney by your side increases your likelihood of maximizing your settlement or court award, even when taking fees into account.

Common Causes of Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents occur due to a variety of issues, including but not limited to:

  • Negligent operation of the vehicle
  • Negligent hiring
  • Improperly trained vehicle operators
  • Negligent maintenance
  • Operator fatigue
  • Operator distraction
  • Drunk or drugged operation of the vehicle
  • Speeding
  • Reckless or aggressive operation of the vehicle
  • Failing to maintain a proper lookout
  • Manufacturing, design, or warning defects

Determining the cause of the motor vehicle accident that hurt you or took your loved one from you may not be high on your list of priorities. However, it is an essential aspect of your case. At The Cagle Law Firm, we will conduct an independent investigation into the accident to determine what happened and who is responsible. Once we determine fault, we can analyze legal liability and make a demand for your compensation.

Our attorneys have 20+ years experience…

Auto Accident Compensation

Crashes can cause a wide range of injuries, from minor bumps and bruises to catastrophic injuries that leave you permanently disabled. No matter your specific injuries, a St. Louis motor vehicle accident attorney from The Cagle Law Firm will thoroughly scrutinize your case and establish its potential value. We understand that even moderate injuries result in thousands of dollars of medical bills, all of which are on top of you being out of work and losing a portion of your standard income. If your injuries are severe, you may not return to work for months, years, or ever. In any of these situations, it is essential that you be compensated for your expenses and non-economic losses.

Our legal team will fight for you to receive the maximum compensation possible for your:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical limitations
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Loss of consortium and companionship
  • Punitive damages (when applicable)

Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents

Many motor vehicle accidents other than car crashes, such as accidents involving personal airplanes, 18-wheelers, and boats are often fatal. Your loved one may have been killed instantly due to the trauma or suffered significant injuries that led to their death sometime later. In either situation, you should speak with The Cagle Law Firm’s St. Louis motor vehicle accident lawyers as soon as you are able. Filing a lawsuit may be the last thing on your mind, yet it may be the best thing for you and your family. The accident may have left behind medical expenses and made you responsible for the cost of your loved one’s burial and funeral. Not to mention, if you lost your spouse or parent, you might now face a challenging financial situation without their income. To address these issues, we can guide you through a wrongful death claim and pursue compensation for:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of financial contributions
  • Loss of care and support
  • Loss of love and companionship
  • Loss of inheritance that you would have received

Pursuing Compensation through the Claim & Legal Process

Following a motor vehicle accident, you should speak with an attorney about the insurance claim and the court processes that may follow. Both the insurer and the entity liable for your injuries may have experienced and aggressive legal teams. Whether you focus on obtaining an insurance settlement or file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit, you need legal counsel to put you on an even footing with the other side. Without your own St. Louis motor vehicle accident lawyer, you are at a distinct disadvantage during the injury claim and legal process.

By hiring The Cagle Law Firm, an experienced auto accident law firm, you gain an advocate who will:

  • Determine why the accident occurred
  • Establish liability for the accident
  • Prove negligence
  • Demand compensation from an insurance company
  • Negotiate a fair settlement for you
  • Meet deadlines and comply with any relevant statute of limitations
  • File a complaint in state or federal court
  • Participate in the discovery process
  • Conduct an independent investigation into the accident
  • Obtain expert witnesses to support you case
  • Review all potentially relevant company records and documents to gather evidence
  • Aggressively protect and fight for your rights in court

The legal process you face may differ depending on whether you bring a claim in Missouri or Illinois. The Cagle Law Firm is well versed in both state’s laws and courts.

They are professional, knowledgeable and they care. From the day I met Zane, I didn’t worry anymore about the outcome and it was a relief. They break the stereotypes of personal injury attorneys. When you’re hurt, you need someone who is knowledgeable and aggressive and is going to be on your side. Waite


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Fighting Allegations of Comparative Fault

A motor vehicle accident may not be entirely another person’s fault. There may be evidence that you contributed to the crash. In this case, you must have a lawyer by your side. How much you are responsible is a critical question in your claim. If you are more than half responsible, you could be barred from receiving any compensation. If a court determines you are less than 50 percent responsible, then you will recover compensation. However, it will be reduced based on your portion of fault. A lawyer will fight for a judge to find you as minimally responsible as possible.

A St. Louis Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer Is Here for You

Motor vehicle accidents can cause catastrophic and fatal injuries. If you are dealing with the devastating ramifications of an auto accident, whether they are your injuries or the loss of a loved one, contact us at The Cagle Law Firm right away. We know the challenges of these situations, and you may be in for a challenging claim or legal process. We want to protect you and your family during this time and fight for your rights. We will not let a major company or insurer deny responsibility and leave you to deal with this mess alone. We will gather as much evidence as we can of fault and liability and push for you to receive a fair settlement.

Call our St. Louis motor vehicle accident attorneys at (314) 276-1681 or schedule a free consultation today through our online form.